Thursday 27 February 2014


Different shapes, materials and structures for analyze.

Depending of the use that a space have, it will have one qualities or others, in this way, the space will be conditioned by the materials, distribution, structure, shapes and colors.
According to the use, if we need a relaxing space we will use color than make us being relaxing.
If we need working in group we need colours than make us being awake.

Diagram of people needs and movements and the shape according to the use.

The best option os an design for the need and the movements people do when they are stunding. For this reason we can create the perfect organization of spaces in order to te movents people have when they are in a public space for studing.

Different locations separated by use.

In order to the organization of the movements, i'm studing hor to organize the space, creating spaces with diferents shapes that are attractive, this forms are radial. In this organization we can studied the movements in this ways.

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