The model structure is formed by repeating modules joined together that can move and combine so as to form different structures. The joints between modules allow you to change the position mime creating the feeling that despite being equal, the modules look different.
The model of space you want to create a balance between interior and exterior space, which is not fully defined and delimited. This feeling is created mendiante building spaces are not closed everywhere, but closed for most of the sides, creating corridors and shortcuts that give the model a labyrinthine form.
This model is made up of different materials , which create different feelings and effects on the structure and its surroundings . When using materials of different colors and shapes, when there is light , shapes and shadows are formed. By contrast there are other materials like mirrors that they create is a sense of expansion of space seems to doing much more space than it is . Besides other opaque materials can be used to give texture to the space.
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